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Perfekt Platz für zwei im Campervan mit kurzem Radstand

Mit nur vier Bausteinen wird aus deinem Alltagsfahrzeug - egal ob Bulli, Microvan, Minivan, Van oder Kastenwagen - in wenigen Minuten ein komfortabler Camper für zwei.

Custom interior kit for two: DAPASSTWAS in the VW California Beach

Kennst du das tägliche Spiel im Campervan?

Garantiert kennst du es. 2x täglich ist es das gleiche Spiel, vor allem im kurzen Radstand.

Das Bett bauen, nicht vorbeikommen, zurückbauen.

Dann das ganze Gelöt über die Sitzbank, in den Kofferraum
und nicht mehr rankommen.

Am nächsten Tag von vorne?


Es geht auch anders. Wir sagen dir wie.

At home in the self-build camper, here a T6 California Beach converted with DAPASSTWAS

Mache deinen Van zum komfortablen Zuhause auf Rädern.

Die VANZEIT ® Einrichtung macht deinen Van einmalig, unkompliziert und einfach schön zum darin Aufwachen.

Das leichte und robuste System besteht aus bewährten Aluminium Nut-Profilen.

Die System-Boxen kannst du bequem zu Hause füllen und dann einfach einsetzen.

Vom fußwarmen Schiffsboden bis zum einfach steckbaren Dachschrank passt alles zusammen.

Dein bequemer Lieblingsplatz zum Mitnehmen

Longitudinal section VW Bus with camping conversion

Alles durchgehend erreichbar

Ein- und Ausstieg bei gebautem Bett, es kann auch einmal gebaut bleiben.

Deine Ausrüstung, Bekleidung und Proviant sind direkt erreichbar.

Sitze, Türen und der Weg zur Heckklappe bleiben frei.

2er, 3er-Bank oder bis zu zwei Einzelsitze bleiben weiter nutzbar.

Cross-section VW Bus rear with camping conversion

Sicher unterwegs + Sonne beim Camping

Freie Sicht im Straßenverkehr und viel Licht beim Camping, alle System-Bausteine sind unterhalb der Fensterlinie.

Kinderleichter Ein-, Um- und Ausbau. In Minuten vom Daily-Driver zum Campervan ... und zurück.

Mit Einzelsitzen auch für 3 oder 4 Personen zum Camping oder Ausflug nutzbar.

Cross-section VW Bus lengthways with camping conversion

Platz für alles, an der richtigen Stelle

Küche für drinnen, draußen + drumrum. Koche einfach, wo es dir am besten gefällt.

Mehrere Sitz- und Liegepositionen zum bequemen Fläzen.

Zwei zusätzliche Schlafplätze, selbst eine Trockentrenntoilette findet Platz.

Dein Zuhause unterwegs — Gestalte es kreativ für dich.

Die DAPASSTWAS Selbstausbausteine im Einzelnen

1 Basis Fahrerseite, 2 Basis Beifahrerseite, 3 Multiboard / Küche, 4 Kühlbox, 5 Wasser / Toilette, 3+4 (Front) ergeben die Schlaffläche.

Du hast eine Frage oder Idee zum DAPASSTWAS Selbstausbau-System?

Wir stellen die Sets gerade zum Kauf bereit. Dazu habe bitte noch etwas Geduld ...

Alle weiteren Anfragen stelle uns gerne auf unserer Kontaktseite.

Deine Camper Einrichtungs-Experten aus Ellerau

Die VANRAIL Camper Module

VANRAIL DIY Basis Module Urban Camper Selbstausbau
VANRAIL DIY Basis Module Urban Camper Selbstausbau
Endlich ein bequemer Ein- und Ausstieg bei gebautem Bett im kurzen Radstand vom VW Bus. Mit unseren leichten Camper Modulen baust du selbst deinen Kastenwagen, Hochdachkombi und Bulli vom Alltagsfahrzeug zum Reisemobil. Der Umbau vom Daily Driver zum Urban Camper ist kinderleicht und in wenigen Minuten erledigt. Die kleine Flucht am Wochenende oder auch die große Urlaubstour in den Ferien kann losgehen. Das System zum Selbstausbau bietet dir Schlafplatz für zwei; viel Bewegungsfreiheit, damit du jederzeit an deine Ausrüstung herankommst; mindestens 520 Liter Stauraum; eine Küchenzeile für drinnen, Schiebetür und Heck; rundum freie Sicht nach draußen. Die skalierbaren System Module sind vorbereitet für 30 Liter Kühlbox ( im Kombi-Modul "Kühlbox und Betterweiterung" ) oder größer Trockentrenntoilette ( im Modul "Wasser" ), z.B. Boxio Wie alle VANRAILs, erlauben dir die offenen Nutprofile die kreative Gestaltung und den Selbstausbau deines Campers, wie es dir gefällt. Das gesamte DAPASSTWAS Camper Modul System findest du hier beschrieben. Die VANRAIL Camper Module zum Selbstausbau System Basis Fahrerseite Basis Modul Fahrerseite Der Selbstausbaustein fasst oberhalb zwei Euroboxen mit 60 x 40 cm Bodenmaß. Darunter passen sie im Maß 40 x 30 und bis zu vier nebeneinander. Die Höhe unterhalb sind 190 mm. System Basis Beifahrerseite Camper Modul Basis Beifahrerseite Oben passen auf dem Modul drei Euroboxen mit einem Grundmaß von 40 x 30 cm. Darunter bieten sich z.B. Boxen mit den Abmessungen 30 x 20 x 17 cm an. Davon passen dort 6 Stück und bleibt dahinter noch Platz für z.B. Tarpstangen o.ä. Camper Multiboard Küchenmodul Modul Multiboard mit - optionalen - Holzeinlagen Unser Multiboard ist abnehmbar. So kannst du es am Heck als Tisch oder Kochfläche verwenden.Eine Verwendung als Bank ist ebenfalls möglich oder du kannst es als großzügigen Hängetisch aufhängen ... In der Mitte, zwischen den zwei Basis Camper Modulen eingelegt, wird es zu 2/3 der Bettauflage. Camper Modul Wasser und Trenntoilette Abbildung Modul Wasser mit abnehmbarem Aufsatz für eine Trockentrenntoilette In dieses Modul vom VANRAIL Selbstausbau System passen z.B. zwei Kanister mit je 15 und insgesamt 30 Litern  Frischwasser. Unten kannst du eine Trockentrenntoilette - z.B. BOXIO - platzieren. Mit dem - optional - abnehmbaren Oberteil kann das stille Örtchen gleich dort bleiben. Camper Kombi Modul Kühlbox + Betterweiterung Kombi Camper Modul für Kühlbox und mit Betterweiterung ( Foto zeigt optionale Holzeinlagen ) Hinter der aufstellbaren Front vom Kombi Modul findet deine Kühlbox Platz. Die Vorderseite lässt sich um 90 Grad aufstellen und gegenüber dem Modul "Wasser" feststellen.So entsteht eine durchgehende Liegefläche. Camper Module FAQ Passt der VANRAILs Selbstausbau auch für andere Fahrzeuge? Ja, unser Ausbau ist skalierbar konstruiert. Das hier gezeigte Modulsystem z.B. passt in Grundrisse ab ~1,2 x 2 m und lässt sich u.a. in 10 cm Schritten anpassen. Wird es auch elektrische Erweiterungen für zusätzliche Batteriekapazität oder Solar geben? Von uns selbst sind derzeit keine elektrischen Systembausteine geplant. Gerne helfen wir dir, passende Power Stations, Solarpanele u.a. für deine Wünsche zu finden. Wie lange dauert der Einbau und wie lange der Ausbau? Für den allerersten Einbau kannst du etwa eine halbe Stunde einplanen. Danach dauert das Stellen der ( bei uns 19 ) Behälter und der Kühlbox am längsten, etwa 10 Minuten. Die Module des VANRAIL Camper Systems können in 5 bis 10 Minuten ausgebaut oder eingebaut werden. Wie wird die Kühlbox im Modul gesichert? In der DIY-Variante entscheidest du selbst. Das kann dann ein Zurrgurt sein oder Halter des Herstellers selbst. Wir ersetzen die Kunststofffüße der Kühlbox mit eigenen. Diese finden dann in den Aufnahmen des Holzbodens für diesen Selbstausbaustein sicheren Halt. Wie halten die Euroboxen im VANRAIL Camper System? Wie auch untereinander halten die Stapelboxen grundsätzlich durch Eigengewicht und 12 Millimeter Rand der von den VANRAILs eingefasst wird. Weder bei Seegang auf Fähren, noch auf Pisten haben wir so eine Box verloren ;) Zur zusätzlichen Sicherung und zum dauerhaften Halt bieten wir schraubbare Klammern für die VANRAILs an. Lassen sich die Selbstausbausteine auch seitenverkehrt einbauen? Ja, die Bausteine können - z.B. für Rechtslenker - auch seitenverkehrt eingebaut werden. Auch andere Kombinationen sind möglich. Du kannst deinen Van mit den VANRAIL Camper Modulen gestalten, wie es dir gefällt.

Variants from €1,499.99*

Passende Ergänzungen zu deiner Van-Einrichtung im Selbstausbau

Yacht floor ALLESANDECK for the VW California Comfortline / Coast / Ocean and Beach
VW California Living Room Mat ALLESANDECK
ALL ABOARD! With this living area mat, a warm floor in ship deck look moves into your VW Bus T6.1 California Ocean or Coast with two or three rails.Other models, e.g., for the Beach Camper, Tour, a trunk or even Mercedes Marco Polo, can be custom-made upon request. Strong One! The tightly woven vinyl material makes the mat ideal for indoor and outdoor use and is also used in heavy-duty commercial areas, healthcare, restaurants, fitness centers, and marine applications.It is antimicrobial, stain and dirt repellent, seawater-resistant, and can be easily swept - a dream! <3 Tailor-made for Your Van The car carpet ALLESANDECK is individually handcrafted in Germany for the living area and the step mat in the VW California as a set. In addition to the current vehicle models, the mat cutouts are also available for previous model years and variants; e.g., T5 California Comfortline, T6 Beach, and others. These, as well as the mat for your trunk, can be custom-made upon request. Fits perfectly. The rail cutouts remain free in all variants, allowing the bench to be moved. The edge of each individual mat is neatly and firmly bound for long-term use.The color of the elegant ship deck covering resembles teak, is slightly mottled, and thus fits perfectly with the interiors and furniture fronts in your Volkswagen California. Each mat is lovingly handcrafted in Germany in many individual steps. All mats are made individually upon order and payment. The delivery time is usually about six to eight weeks.

VW California Beach roof cabinet with 73 liters volume under the pop-up roof
Roof Cabinet EINFACH
You need more storage space in the VW California Beach? The roof cabinet EINFACH complements the first solution without drilling in the rear of your VW bus.Bonus of the fabric cabinet for with-the head-in-the-rear sleepers - the head remains dent-free, if getting up happens too fast ;)  Gladly bigger! In your compartment under the roof fit the towels for the vacation, pillows that otherwise fly around in the trunk, the extra pair of shoes that otherwise stays at home, hats for all weather conditions, clothes, blankets, ... shortly all that is too bulky for window pockets and otherwise disappears in the shallows of the rear. The extra pocket at the front stick holds you e.g. the flashlight for the night hike ready. No searching for the lamp, just take it out and off you go. The fabric cabinet for the bus canopy measures 113 x 50 x 16 centimeters (W x D x H). Approximately 73 liters brings EINFACH under your VW California Beach roof. Quite simply You don't have to drill any holes in the bus to hang the overhead locker underneath the pop-up roof in your VW California Beach T5, T6 and T6.1. EINFACH is attached to the VANZEIT® VANRAIL system profiles by plug-and-camp. The VANRAIL itself is simply plugged in - once on the left and once on the right - underneath the roof and is included with EINFACH. The roof cabinet is then screwed onto both VANRAILs. Is easy-peasy fastened, holds on the road and also off; camping-proven and off-road-proven. Quite easily The strong outdoor bus fabric is washable and the entire roof cabinet weighs just under three kilograms. This saves fuel and the vehicle's center of gravity remains low. You have more in your vacation budget and the environment is happy. The inside of the sturdy fabric is coated and wipeable. The cover can be washed individually at 30 degrees. Try this once with another roof storage box ;) Fully stable. You can see the stable ribbing with sail battens on the floor in the first picture. After removing the slats lengthwise or crosswise, the fabric wardrobe can be compactly rolled up for storage. Are you still stuffing or are you already sorting? Add the Q-BUS packing cubes inside the fabric overhead cabinet and towels, bath towels, underwear, ... all the stuff sorts itself out in the packing system.You have more time for camping. But stuffing is also okay ;) Whether stuffing or sorting: The removable front you can open left, right or on both sides at the same time on the tightly closing stainless steel latches. So you can always easily get to your camping utensils. Even when the front is removed, the contents of the fabric cabinet remain secured behind the bar on the base body to prevent them from slipping out. P.S. Of course, our shelving systems, e.g. DAGEHTNOCHWAS, fit in front of the shelf and provide you with additional storage space for your camping accessories. P.P.S. Of course, window bags also fit in the rear windows.

41.67 %
The DIY shelf system DAGEHTNOCHWAS is simply attached above the bed surface in the pop-up roof of the VW California T5, T6, and T6.1 on the separately available VANRAIL base profile.When the roof is closed, it can remain in place. You can design it yourself as you like. Choose the color of the bungee cords yourself, you can also use multiple colors for a rainbow effect.Add a magnetic base in half or full length.Build a second level underneath with our MUSTMIT or DARFRAUS or sew one yourself. More is on the way ... 🚐💨 Secure storage space While driving, the sturdy sides secure deposited items. Thanks to the front flap, everything remains accessible, even when the roof is closed. The front folds up.   As a roof box and storage space under the pop-up roof for a book, fruit, earrings, sunglasses ... there's still room for more! With extra hanging options For some, just a few mountain peaks, others associate them with the dunes from their last visit to the beach. But they are simply practical: There are 3 additional hooks on the front for hanging tea towels, oven mitts and the like. You can position the hooks either on the left or right. There is an additional hook on each side. Extra hooks on the front and both sides   Made for California The shelf that fits snugly against the VW California panel profile only protrudes 127 mm into the interior.The remaining 58 mm extend into the window frame. The lighting remains unobstructed. The timeless, curved aluminum front at the leading edge not only prevents injuries.It also, together with the real wood front cover, matches the interior design of the California and Multivan.  Configure your Calishelf There's still more. At the bottom, the system base with three cross-strung rubber cords provides extra space for kitchen utensils, chalk bags (great for cutlery too!), and more. 5 elongated holes in the system base for expansions   At the front, bottom, left, and right, there is plenty of space on the rubber bands for your camping utensils. Attach where you want, always secure! On the side or below, the kitchen paper towel holder ROLLO complements it, next to it the kitchen utensil holder HARKAN works great, next door also another DAGEHTNOCHWAS ... (illustration still with the previous series) What's possible for you? Optionally magnetic. The system base is made of birch plywood. Optional floor plates in half the width of the shelf each expand the possibilities for e.g. the Silwy range or magnetic fastenings. This allows you to easily and quickly add further hanging options for towels, pot holders, and more with the magnetic hooks ZIEHAN available as accessories. Now it's getting colorful. Bungee cords in various colors are available for the tie-downs.For the rubber cords, we give you the choice of color in 50-centimeter pieces. Choose your favorite color, e.g. matching the paintwork of your Bulli. You'll get along well with a total of 1.5 meters / 3 pieces if you only want to tension the floor.With 2 meters / 4 pieces, it's enough for an extra round, e.g. in the middle of the shelf, for separation, e.g. rear spices and front vegetables, and with 3 meters / 6 pieces, you'll be all-around happy and have room for a few extra loops. Mounting in the VW California pop-up roof You can attach your complete shelf to the VANRAIL base profile for the roof with two screws.If you already have another mounting option, e.g. an airline rail, you can also attach the DIY shelf kit to it. In this case, the two attachment points may need to be slightly enlarged. The additions shown in the gallery and items in the shelf - fruit, cups, glasses, kitchen paper ... - are not included in the scope of delivery. The shelf parts are delivered disassembled. The illustrations are similar, subject to change and errors.

€69.99* €119.99*
System Profile Base Roof Vanzeit VANRAILs
The all-in-one profile: Clothes hooks, clothes rail, wardrobe, shelf, rack, key rail, kitchen utensil holder, magnetic strip, ... up to the overhead cabinet ... it all fits, fits always, and looks good while doing it. Checked Off ✔️ Hooks for jackets, hooks for the base cap, hooks for the backpack, hooks for Sunnersta, ... it's like with shrimp and Forrest Gump. With the unimaginative ones on Etsy and elsewhere, you can find them all. Few hold, most look like they are, and - "strangely" - they all look the same. Now you can surf, research, compare, ... and waste your time to find the best for you. It's the same sauce. "Yes, but my idea doesn't fit there anyway." Why isn't there just a single way for me to attach what I like? You've found it. The one to hold them all I've tried it all... Airline tracks, C-tracks, rack tracks, sliding tracks, groove profiles up and down... Both in appearance - aluminum silver, anodized - and in function, this profile has proven itself in our camping for years. You might already know it from its use in my simple roof cabinet for hanging under the pop-up roof. The lightweight profile is made of aluminum, has a 6mm groove, and allows mounting with normal machine screws along its entire length (590 mm). It accommodates M3, M4, M5, and M6 threads.You simply insert a T-slot nut of your choice into the profile where you want it and tighten your accessory with a screw. It's as simple as that. Machine What? Machine? Yes, that's an unbeatable advantage. In times of half-blind and brain-dead post-turtles ( aka politicians in Germany ), where inflation outside the statistical basket knows no bounds, and procurement only knows red lines... ... having a standardized part from mechanical engineering that remains available for the foreseeable future is a dream. And there's no need for a "fact check":In mechanical engineering internationally proven for decades - this part holds. Rock solid. Up to the Roof Under the pop-up roof, the VANRAIL system profile finds secure support on the proven profiles of my "old Swede." 2mm stainless steel even supports a full-grown pull-up in the sliding door. Look who's hanging there... Two profiles (1x base and 1x extension) fit next to each other on each side, giving you the full available width below the headliner for mounting. A connector joins them simply. At VANZEIT ®, of course Of course, the VANRAILs fit on both the driver's side and the passenger's side. To protect the bed frame and the interior of your VW California, the backs of the two attachments in the pop-up roof are felted. The roof can, of course, be closed with the rail mounted. Inspiration Nicole and I have tested which furnishings in camper's everyday life fit on the VANRAIL and make your bus life easier. Practical: magnetic strip for, e.g., cutlery above the mini kitchen A handle knob as a coat hook ... endless variations :)) Now a basic: IKEA Sunnersta rod How about a tablet holder, IKEA Good for dish towels, hand towels, ... Always at hand :] (Soap) dish for small items, e.g., the keychain Elegant! Steel clothes rod Super stable clothes hooks for the wardrobe For some, a picture ledge, for others, probably the cheapest shelf Do you already have an idea of what you'll attach to your VANRAIL?Feel free to write to me with an email. I look forward to it! I will add additional IKEA hacks with the system profile and other furnishings from the blue-yellow furniture store in the campervan to the blog post with my DIY bus hacks for VW California.

Variants from €3.49*
The original Busstoff® Calihaken ABHANG
California clothes hook with multi-purpose eyelet ABHÄNG
Finally usable coat hooks in the T5, T6 and T6.1 California - Beach, Beach Camper & Tour, Comfortline, Coast and Ocean. You just click it in - and how it clicks(!) - and holds! Patrick shows you how in his video.   Number 1! In its second decade, the original Calihaken ABHÄNG remains the most popular bulli gadget. Quality convinces. The VANZEIT ® clothes hook ABHÄNG is simply clicked into the aluminium edge above the bed support in the pop-up roof of your VW California. With this hook you finally have the missing clothes hook on the B-pillar of your Bullicamper. The practical accessory fits all factory-fitted California pop-up roofs from the VW T5 onwards, e.g. also in the SpaceCamper Limited. Click and hold. Spot on. We have rethought the towel hook for you. Thanks to its 3D design, the recyclable plastic hook fits perfectly into the contour of the bed liner and panelling. Once clicked in, ABHÄNG holds firmly in place, even with the top up. The bed height and bed mechanism remain unaffected thanks to the minimal height, the clothes hook can remain in place when the roof is closed and is then locked in place by the bed lying on top. With the roof up and the bed raised, the hook can be moved, e.g. to simply move jackets hanging on it from front to back in front of the door. The thing with the ring ... The VANZEIT ® coat hook for the VW California pop-top roof is the only one with an extra eyelet in 10 mm diameter for a loop, safety ring, carabiner or similar. The set also includes a clothes rail with a length of 43 centimetres made of steamed beech wood. You can even dry your swimming trunks in the sliding door of your VW Bus Camper. Our KLEMMT and CLIPPER coat hooks also have the same ring. You can easily take the clothes rail outside with you: Plug-And-Camp. A bag, rucksack and other items can also be attached to the large hook... ... Baseball caps, bicycle helmets etc. with otherwise bulky buckles ... ... Jackets and other items of clothing with a loop anyway. ... and another ring  With each accessory hook for the clothes rail, you extend the set with two more clothes hooks and an extra eyelet for a carabiner, towel ring or the like. The accessory hooks are available in a practical set of two or four and fit perfectly on the clothes rail. Firm? Sure! ABHÄNG is cast in one piece and unbreakable. The coat hook carries 10 kg. In the colour pearl silver, it also looks great and matches the colour of the headlining and the panelling perfectly, we think :) The gallery shows the Calihaken ABHÄNG in use as coat and wardrobe hook on the VW California Bus. Accessories attached to and next to the hooks in the pictures are not included in the scope of delivery.

From €5.49*
BLEIBTDRAN panelling seat console UNI, multiplex panel
Camper Seat Panel BLEIBTDRAN
The Plug-And-Camp System for Seat Consoles BLEIBTDRAN! Plastic coverings for the seat consoles are rarely attractive ex works. It is hardly possible to fit anything else on them. When retrofitting swivel consoles, the original trim above the console tends to get in the way ... The space under the seat consoles is popular as additional storage space for e.g. the high-visibility waistcoats and the on-board tools, for a safe for depositing or even an additional battery and electrics. With the VANZEIT ® trim BLEIBTDRAN for the console on the driver's seat and passenger seat of VW T5 and T6 as well as T6.1 you get a beautiful AND functional cover. There is plenty of space for your bus accessories on the flat, continuous front of BLEIBTDRAN. All variants are perfect for do-it-yourselfers and are easily interchangeable with the plastic cover from the factory: Just pull the plastic off the BLEIBTDRAN and you're done - it fits directly with swivel brackets. BLEIBTDRAN Uni models The "Uni" version of the panelling comes to you with a continuous front. In untreated multiplex board, you can design the console panelling as you wish, from the colour to the accessories fitted. However, it also looks quite chic when only waxed. Alternatively in anthracite and soft-touch foiled, BLEIBTDRAN brings a discreet and aesthetic trim to the consoles in your bus. The soft-touch foiling gives the cover a velvety feel and protects the wood from dirt and moisture. BLEIBTDRAN models with groove profile With groove profiles, the variants of the covering of the driver's seat consoles correspond to the "Uni" models. In addition, the models each have four groove profiles - groove 5, 160 mm each. In the untreated Multiplex panels the profiles are silver-coloured, in the foiled fronts black. With slot nuts or hammer nuts, for example, you can attach luggage nets, Quickfist holders or similar to BLEIBTDRAN very quickly and easily. More BUSSTOFF accessories are on the way ... Subscribe to the newsletter to be among the first to know when they are available in the shop. Models of BLEIBTDRANfor electric extensions In addition to the grooved profile versions, the models of the cladding for electrical extensions have a recess of 145 x 80 mm in the middle. The recesses can be used to accommodate switches and sockets for USB, 12V and 230V, etc., using sheet metal or e.g. individual 3D printing. BLEIBTDRAN can be secured at the back of the console to prevent it from being pulled in when used with earthed plugs etc: Well thought-out down to the last detail.  For the standardised cut-out, your BLEIBTDRAN console extension comes with a matching cover that can be screwed on tightly. Inside the cover, you can then guide your components into the living space in the grid of your choice: Sugar. Suitable camping electrics are on the way ... Subscribe to the newsletter to be among the first to know as soon as it comes into the shop. Suitable vehicle models The fairing currently fits two variants of VW Buses and for the T5, T6 and T6.1 models: (1) for the VW Bus with level floor, Transporter and Caravelle and (2) for VW Buses with different floor levels between the driver's compartment and the living area - VW California, Multivan and buses with self-installed floors. The maximum compensable floor level is about 3.5 cm (e.g. 3 cm floor and 0.5 cm covering). With all this, the BLEIBTDRAN console panelling is also absolutely leasable! It is simply plugged in without any screwing, gluing, bonding, etc. - Plug-And-Camp - original BUSSTOFF. Tip: additional storage space can also be quickly created on the plastic trim panels: Extra storage net on driver and passenger seat
